"Remember most of the stress comes from the way you respond, not the way life is. Adjust your attitude, all that extra stress is gone." 

"I am not impressed by money, social status, or job title. I am impressed by the way someone treats other human beings. "

"Don’t believe everything you think. The mind creates its own illusions by linking thoughts that share no connection." 

Your physical size does not matter. What really matters is the size of your love, courage, and the fire in your soul. 

"It’s ok to trip down several times while you’re learning to fly. As you can’t afford to fall even once while soaring up the sky. "

"You ain’t even got to do nothing to people these days. They will dislike you just because you carry yourself well." 

“Learn to love yourself. It is important that you stay positive all the time because beauty comes from the inside.” 

“Be the kind of energy that no matter where you will go, you will always add value to the lives of people around you.” 

“Inhale good vibes and exhale the bad ones. Worrying will not take the troubles away. It will just take away the peace of today.”