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125 Best Women Empowerment Quotes to Inspire You (2022)

It will be an understatement when I say that women are the sole creator of this gigantic world and these women empowerment quotes are for everyone out there. We have been noticing numerous changes and policies that came out to empower women. And as a matter of fact, such things are really creating an effect which we are all proud of.

These Empowerment Quotes for women are best suited for ladies who look up to themselves and think that they are no less. Get inspired and motivated by these Women Empowerment Quotes and make yourself special. So, always show gratitude towards being a woman.

So, here are some of the best Women Empowerment Quotes for all those queens out there who are trying really hard. You are all perfect! You can even send these quotes on women empowerment to the women in your lives.

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1. 150 Best Short Motivational Quotes Of All Time

2. 70 Life-Changing Words of Encouragement

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Best Women Empowerment Quotes

1. Make space for the next version of you – She’s coming.

2. Before I can be the woman of your dreams, I need to be the woman of my own dreams.

3. A bad girl is expensive but a real woman is priceless.

4. Be so committed to your growth that you’re willing to say no without guilt and yes without fear.

5. Girl! It doesn’t have to be perfect to be powerful. You’re ready now.

6. Be an alchemist. Transform the pain, into your power.

7. That whole time you thought you weren’t good enough, You were overqualified.

8. You keep greeting the morning sun with tired arms from, all the yesterday you carry. Put them down, you don’t owe them any more of you.

9. Hey brave girl, Promise me you won’t shrink yourself in order to make others feel comfortable.

11. Be a woman who loves herself unapologetically so you don’t feel threatened in the presence of other women who are confident and love themselves fully.

12. I am not that woman from last year or a month back. I am ever more fantastic, even more soft, even more intuitive, even more, Me.

13. Stop shrinking to fit places you’ve outgrown.

14. You won’t ever catch me doubting myself, ever again. I’m too powerful and only stepping into more power.

15. Note to Self: Don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler.

16. When things begin to affect you less, you don’t react to gossip and drama. You are definitely healing.

17. Stop playing small. Stop pretending that you don’t own the place. Stop dimming your light because you think it’s more polite. Own it.

18. Give yourself the same compliments, You’ll give someone else.

19. A girl who is going to do big things cannot let small things get to her.

20. Let the universe do its magic Trust it; After all, it wants the best of you.

21. She wore her scars as a symbol of strength.

22. The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued.

23. Women like you, start revolutions by simply existing.

24. Girl, learn to love the process because one day your story will be an inspiration to someone else.

25. Do not be fooled by this pretty face, she has walked through fire, and survived by the grace of her heart.

26. There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.

27. Strong women don’t have attitudes, they have standards and boundaries.

28. Get around women who talk about visions and ideas, not other people.

29. Supporting another woman’s success will not hamper yours.

30. Behind every successful woman there is a tribe of other successful women, who have her back.

Empowerment Quotes for Women

31. I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world.

32. She overcame everything, that was meant to destroy her.

33. Beautiful girl you were made to do hard things, So believe in yourself.

34. Girls compete, and Women empower.

35. The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence.

36. Where there is a woman, There is magic.

37. There is nothing stronger than a broken woman, who has rebuilt herself.

38. Women’s empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights.

39. Be that girl who wakes up with purpose and intent be that girl who shows up and never gives up.

40. She was unstoppable, not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.

41. Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.

42. Be the woman you needed as a girl.

43. A strong woman stands up for herself, A stronger woman stands up for everybody.

44. Strong woman doesn’t play the victim, don’t make themselves look pitiful, and don’t point the finger. They stand and deal.

45. Be fearless, Be a voice, and Be a woman of your choice.

46. Investing in women means, investing in the people who invest in everyone else.

47. A woman with a voice is, by definition a strong woman.

48. A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.

49. There is enough room for all women to be whole, without tearing each other down.

50. Each time when a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.

51. The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.

52. We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be so disciplined they can be free.

53. Here’s to strong women: May we know them, May we be them, May we raise them.

54. A girl should be two things: Who and What she wants.

55. Surviving the storm she has become stronger than ever knowing that in the end, she will flourish with growth.

56. Dear beautiful woman! Remember good things take time. Stay positive and strong…Everything is going to be alright.

57. Ladies don’t do drama. We do business!

58. I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, A courageous woman, A loving woman, and A woman who teaches by being.

59. There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.

60. Don’t be a woman that needs a man, Be a woman that a man needs!

Women’s Empowerment Quotes

61. Women like men, should do the impossible. And when they fail, Their failure should be a challenge to others.

62. If you are a woman that has everything going for herself, and you’re not ready to add value to her life… just admire her from afar. Please don’t interrupt her greatness.

63. Turn your wound into wisdom.

64. Well behaved woman rarely makes history.

65. A strong woman is determined to do something others are determined not to be done.

66. Women are always being tested, but ultimately each of us has to define who we are individually and then do the very best job.

67. No nation can rise to the heights of glory unless your women are side by side.

68. The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine among those, who never believed she could.

69. She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword.

70. Shout out to women who smile and compliment other women.

71. In the future there will be no female leaders. There will be only leaders.

72. A successful woman is one, who built a foundation from the bricks others have thrown at her.

73. No one can make you feel inferior, without your consent.

74. She turned her can’t into cans and her dreams into plans.

75. She designed a life, she loved.

76. The triumph can’t be had without struggle.

77. Self- Esteem is knowing, that you are the dream.

78. All great achievements require time.

79. When you admire something about another woman, tell her. let’s get into the habit of lifting each other up.

80. Beauty may be dangerous, but intelligence is lethal.

81. One loyal woman is worth more than a thousand unfaithful ones.

82. Women is a companion of men, gifted with equal mental capacity.

83. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.

84. She is clothed with dignity and strength, and she laughs without the fear of failure.

85. She believed, she could. so, she did.

86. Real queens fix each other’s crowns.

87. “I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.”

88. “I’m tough, ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.”

89. “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”

90. I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick.

Empowered Women Quotes

91. “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”

92. “No one changes the world who isn’t obsessed.”

93. “I am always busy, which is perhaps the chief reason why I am always well.”

94. “Girls should never be afraid to be smart.”

95. “Don’t look at your feet to see if you are doing it right. Just dance.”

96. “Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”

97. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.”

98. “The people that truly love us in life don’t fight for us to remain a doormat for others.”

99. “Freedom is to live with dignity”.

100. “Women’s work is never easy, never clean.”

101. Single is no longer a lack of options- but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let you’re ever after work itself out.

102. The inferiority of women is man-made.

103. Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling others it was crooked.

104. There is no limit. To what we, as women, can accomplish.

105. I’m a strong woman keeping the legacy of a strong woman.

106. She dressed herself in confidence every day.

107. She wore her scars as attire, beautiful jewelry made out of Hellfire.

108. I am not defined by my past, I am not my mistakes, and I can always change, grow and get better.

109. Your glow-up will be hard for some people to watch. GLOW ANYWAY!

110. Too busy working on me to compare myself to you.

111. I’m proud of the woman I’m becoming. My mindset has changed. My priorities have changed. My taste has changed. My tolerance has changed. I’m evolving and I’m 100% here for it.

112. My biggest flex? I’m becoming the woman of my dreams.

113. What’s a queen without a king? Well, historically speaking, more powerful.

114. Act like a lady, think like a boss, and hustle like a millionaire.

115. Chin up Queen, those struggles are building your character.

116. Oh, darling, you are not ugly, society is.

117. I’m on a mission to build an Empire and leave a Legacy.

118. Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.

119. Either you can Wish For it or Work for It.

120. When women support each other, incredible things happen.

121. A woman that found peace instead of revenge can never be bothered.

122. I think about all the things I can do as a woman compared to a man while bleeding.

123. A proud working woman has coffee in one hand and confidence in the other.

124. The most dangerous woman of all is the one who refuses to rely on your sword to save her because she carries her own.

125. There is nothing stronger than a woman who has rebuilt herself.

We hope that women’s empowerment quotes are useful. So, we end up here with 125 empowered women quotes. Which we thought would be suitable for you. If you come up with something new, you can write us.

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Hello Readers, I'm Aditya! A Blogger and SEO expert with an MBA Degree in Marketing and Operations. I love sharing content that develops the mindset of people and makes life better.

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