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45+ Inspiring Progress Quotes to Encourage You

Success and happiness are practically impossible to accomplish without continuous growth and advancement. In reality, without progress and growth, we tend to shrink. Sometimes you have to discover the inner desire to keep going even when nothing appears to be changing or happening, that is the actual time when one needs to push themselves in order to achieve their desired goal.

45 Quotes on Progress

So, in order to keep you on track for continuous improvement, achievement, and success, we’ve compiled this collection of motivational progress quotes.

15 Short Progress Quotes to Boost Performance

1. “Small progress is still progress.”

2. “Strive for progress, not perfection.”

3. “Delay is the enemy of progress.” – Eliot Spitzer

4. “A little progress every day adds up to big results.” – Satya

Short Progress Quotes to Boost Performance

5. “There is nothing permanent except change.” – Heraclitus

6. “Personal growth is about progress, not perfection.” – Hal Elrod

7. “Slow, steady progress is better than daily excuses.” – Robin Sharma

8. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell

9. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederick Douglass

10. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” – Michael John Bobak

11. “Even a small progression can be the start of something great.” – Angela Ruth

Short Progress Quotes to Boost Performance

12. “There are only two options: Make progress or make excuses.”

13. “Work hard for you and your own goals. Progress will come.”

14. “Progress is made where progress is measured.” – Jack Lalanne

15. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

15 More In Progress Quotes

16. “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” – Sophia Bush

17. “Allow yourself to be proud of yourself and all your progress. Especially the progress that no one else can see.”

18. “Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” – Frederick B. Wilcox

More In Progress Quotes

19. “Put your plan into work, without action, your plan can progress only in your mind.” – Nitin Namdeo

20Courage means to keep progressing while you still feel afraid.” – Joyce Meyer

21. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale

22. “Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.” – Plato

23. “Don’t be afraid of being a beginner, we all got to start somewhere, but the important thing is that you start.”

24. “Problems are the price of progress. Don’t bring me anything but trouble. Good news weakens me.” – Charles Kettering

25. “Where there’s no progress there’s no growth. If there’s no growth, there’s no life. Environments void of change are eventually void of life.” – Andy Stanley

26. “Don’t compare your progress to that of others. We need our own time to travel our distance.”

More In Progress Quotes

27. “Peace of mind comes from knowing that this too shall pass and good progress comes from good habits.” – Brendon Burchard

28. “Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” – Stephen Covey

29. “Change is not always progress. A fever of newness has everywhere been confused with the spirit of progress.” – Henry Ford

30. “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Also Read: 75 Best Positive Inspirational Quotes About Life

15 Quotes On Progress

31. “Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparation.” – William Arthur Ward

32. “Perfection has to do with the end product, but excellence has to do with the process.” – Jerry Moran

33. “Progress and growth are impossible if you always do things the way you’ve always done things.” – Wayne Dyer

Quotes On Progress

34. “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still ahead of everyone else who isn’t trying.” – Tony Robbins

35. “Every time we made progress we did it by challenging the conventional wisdom.” – Ed Miliband

36. “There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee

37. “Some quit due to slow progress. Never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress.” – Jeff Olson

38. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

39. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is one step outside your comfort zone.”

40. “The key to happiness is progress and growth and constantly working on yourself and developing something.” – Lewis Howes

Quotes On Progress

41. “Courage means to keep making forward progress while you still feel afraid.” – Joyce Meyer

42. “Progress is not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.”- Khalil Gibran

43. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Ben Franklin

44. “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” – Carl Sandburg

45. “Although there is no progress without change, not all change is progress.” – John Wooden

46. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

Quotes On Progress

Last Words

We hope that these progress quotes inspire you to keep striving for improvement and advancement in all aspects of your life. Do share these quotes with someone who needs a push for advancement, you can even stick these amazing quotes on walls for motivation.

Let us know your favourite Progress Quotes in the comment box below.

Gauri Singh Thakur
Gauri Singh Thakur

Hello Readers, I'm Gauri, graduated from Delhi University and have 3 years of experience as proficient content writer. I appreciate writing articles that help readers become better individuals.

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