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45+ Best Nothing is Permanent Quotes

The course of life is constantly changing. Because everything we own in our experience is merely a passing possession, we are unable to hang on to anything permanently. Never lose sight of the fact that nothing is ever permanent. The person who clings too closely to things, people, or circumstances experiences misery.

Here are some best Nothing is Permanent Quotes, do read them.

45+ Quotes on Nothing is Permanent

We must understand that nothing in our lives is permanent, not even the people in it, and that the things we own do not determine who we are. We need to be able to adjust to change and recognise that nothing is permanent if we want to be happy.

Refer: 70 Life-Changing Words of Encouragement to Brighten Your Day

15 Nothing Is Permanent Quotes

1. “Be strong enough to accept that everything is temporary; nothing is permanent.”

Nothing Is Permanent Quotes

2. “Life is to experience it, but it is not permanent.”

3. “Everything isn’t permanent, so don’t pretend that it is. Everything’s supposed to move and shift.” – Chelsea Handler

4. “Pain or happiness both come back; it is not permanent.”

5. “All things flow; nothing abides. You cannot step into the same river twice, for the waters are continually flowing on. Nothing is permanent except change.” – Heraclitus

6. “I saw that nothing was permanent. You don’t want to possess anything dear to you because you might lose it.” – Yoko Ono

7. “Nothing on this planet is permanent, and this is why I believe there can be no such thing as possession.”

Nothing Is Permanent Quotes

8. “Take a deep breath, listen to your favourite song and realize everything will be okay; nothing is permanent.” — Camila Cabello

9. “Everything is temporary, even our lives.”

10. “Nobody can hold onto anything forever because whatever that comes will go away, for it’s all temporary.”

11. “Don’t be afraid to change; it’s leading you to a new beginning.”

12. “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” – Charlie Chaplin

13. “Nothing is permanent but change.” – Elbert Hubbard

14. “Nothing’s permanent; stop stressing yourself because no matter how bad the situation gets, it will change.”

Nothing Is Permanent Quotes

15. “Future shock is a sickness that comes from too much change in too short a time. It’s the feeling that nothing is permanent anymore.” – Orson Welles

15 No one is Permanent Quote

16. “Nothing is permanent. Not what you own, not what you love, not even the things that you think will break you forever.” – Georgina Hobart

17. “The better way to never get hurt is to never take anything as permanent in life.”

18. “Everything permanent in our life does not change itself, but people’s attitude changes towards me.”

19. “Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress yourself too much because no matter how bad the situation is… it will change.”

20. “Why are you sad about what has been there for some time? It is temporary.”

21. “Nothing in life is permanent, not even one’s troubles.”

No one is Permanent Quote

22. “Nothing is Permanent here… Let’s move on”

23. “I try to remind myself that nothing is permanent.”

24. “Success isn’t permanent, and failure isn’t fatal.”

25. “Everything isn’t permanent, so don’t pretend that it is. Everything’s supposed to move and shift.” – Chelsea Handler

26. “In all the universe, nothing remains permanent and unchanged but the spirit.”

27. “It’s both a good and a bad thing that nothing lasts forever.”

28. “Nothing can stay forever with you, not even your closest people.”

No one is Permanent Quote

29. “Detachment is not giving up the things in this world but accepting the fact and being continuously aware that nothing is permanent.”

30. “If the road is finished, don’t just stand there; always push yourself to take another step.”

15 More Quotes on Nothing is Permanent

31. “Keep morality permanent in life, temporary your intellect and knowledge.”

32. “Everything is perfect, and nothing is permanent.” — Dharma Mittra

33. “Nothing is permanent. Love, feelings, time, condition, I say nothing. Just enjoy your life, impress yourself, make yourself proud and do whatever you make happy.” – Kavita Saraswat

34. “Nothing should be permanent except struggle with the dark side within ourselves.” – Shirley MacLaine

35. “You cannot keep everything found in your life permanent because it is impossible.”

No one is Permanent Quote

36. “Never try to make permanent decisions on temporary things.”

37. “If everything were permanent, singular, or independent, nothing would change.”

38. “Don’t be attached to your possessions.”

39. “We can never truly own anything.”

40. “You think all the friends I had in my life will be permanent, and your friends feel the same, but there is nothing permanent.”

41. “The essence of the universe stays the same but everything changes.”

42. “Everything exists in cycles. Nothing is permanent, do not get attached.”

No one is Permanent Quote

43. “Our life itself is not permanent, and we demand permanent happiness with it.”

44. “I like myself a little bit more when I’m with you.”

45. “This is the problem, the relationship is connected, but they do not last long, and they are very messy.”

46. “You search endlessly for permanent happiness in a world where nothing is permanent.” – Christopher Pike

Last Words

We should accept the fact that nothing is permanent in life, be it bad times, happiness, life, or anything. Life is a cycle, it keeps on evolving and so should you, instead of sticking on to that, one should move on.

Hope you liked these Nothing is Permanent Quotes, do share with your friends and family members. Save it for later as at some point in life you might need it.

Gauri Singh Thakur
Gauri Singh Thakur

Hello Readers, I'm Gauri, graduated from Delhi University and have 3 years of experience as proficient content writer. I appreciate writing articles that help readers become better individuals.

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