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70 Best Sad Friendship Quotes

It’s a wonderful feeling to have a friend. You’ve shared some of your favourite memories with them. They are there for you through thick and thin and provide the support you require. However, friendships can even disappoint you.

There is no worse emotion than losing a buddy you’ve known for a long time. Some friendships, like any other relationship, come to an end. Though lost friendships are difficult, the sadness can be excruciating at times. It can be a terrible experience when a friendship suffers a setback or unexpectedly ends.

70 Sad Quotes For Friends

The end of this beautiful friendship brings out all your emotions, and that’s why We’ve compiled the best collection of sad friendship quotes, sayings, messages, captions, and status updates regarding lost friendships that meant a lot to you.

20 Sad Friendship Quotes

1. “In the end, we will remember not our enemies’ words, but our friends’ silence.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sad Friendship Quotes

2. “That horrible moment your heart crashes as you realize the friendship has played itself out.”

3. “No one is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.”

4. “The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget about you.” – The Notebook

5. “It doesn’t matter if it was a relationship or a friendship. When it ends, your heart breaks.”

6. “If someone disappoints you, again and again, thank them for being consistent and walk away, smiling.”

7. “Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost.”

8. “Sometimes I feel like we’re friends, sometimes I feel like we’re more than friends, but sometimes I feel like I’m just a stranger to you.”

Sad Friendship Quotes

9. “If you wanna find out who’s a true friend. screw up or go through a challenging time …then see who sticks around.”

10. “It’s really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it’s really sad when the best of friends become two strangers.”

11. “A True Friend’s Silence Hurts More than an Enemy’s Rough Words.”

12. “It doesn’t matter if it was a relationship or friendship. When it ends, your heart breaks.”

13. “Walk away from friendships that make you feel small and insecure, and seek out people who inspire you and support you.” – Michelle Obam

14. “Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.”

15. “A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it’s not a friendship until after having a fight…”

Sad Friendship Quotes

15 Sad Quotes For Friends Who Broke Your Heart

16. “The worst feeling in the world is knowing you’ve been replaced by someone who means more to your friend.”

17. “Sometimes the people who thousands are miles away from you can make you feel better than the people who are right beside you

18. “The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and explained.” 

19. “Friends are people who make you laugh, who support and encourage you. Don’t feel sad if you lose a friendship that doesn’t do that.” – Catherine Pulsifer

20. “The sad moment when you can feel you and your best friend slowly drifting apart.”

21. “We’ve known each other since high school, and it just throws me off how you can end our friendship so abruptly without any notice. Do you not care at all?”

22. “People change. Friends sometimes become strangers, but the memories will never change.”

Sad Quotes For Friends Who Broke Your Heart

23. “Friendship that insists upon agreement on all things isn’t worth the name.” – Mahatma Gandhi

24. “Friendship is not always forever, sometimes it is our ego and negative thoughts that destroy it.”

25. “A broken friendship that is mended through forgiveness can be even stronger than it once was.” – S. Richards

26. “Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.”

27. “I hate how we’ve drifted apart, but then again, if you won’t make an effort to keep me in your life, why should I?”

28. “The worst thing ever is seeing your best friend slowly replacing you with another friend.” 

29. “I don’t regret my past, I just regret the time I’ve wasted with the wrong people.”

30. “I’ve had many ‘best friends’ over the years. The one problem with these friendships?
They didn’t last.”

Sad Quotes For Friends Who Broke Your Heart

10 Sad Quotes On Friendship

31. “At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.”

32. “No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” – Alice Walker

33. “There is no distance too far between friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart.” – Kathy Kay Benudiz

34. “Friendship is delicate as glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks…”

35. “A good friend will help you move. But a best friend will help you move a dead body.” – Jim Hayes

36. “In the end, we will remember not our enemies’ words, but our friends’ silence.”

37. “Notice the people who are happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness. They’re the ones who deserve special places in your heart.”

Sad Quotes On Friendship

38. “If friends disappoint you over and over, that’s in large part your own fault.” – Oprah Winfrey

39. “I’ve had many best friends over the years. The one problem with these friendships? They didn’t last.”

40. “My Silence is just another word for My pain.”

30 Short Sad Status About Friendship

41. “Waited, got tired, lost hope, let go.”

42. “I’d rather have no friends than fake ones.”

43. “Hell is being betrayed by a trusted friend.”

44. “Hard times will always reveal true friends.”

45. “You may not be pushing me away but you’re not to keep fighting me either.”

46. “A friendship that can end never really began.”

47. “Sometimes you have to unfollow people in real life.”

48. “It hurts to remember how close we were back then.”                             

49. “The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never explained.”

50. “No Expectation. No Disappointment.”

51. “It hurt because it mattered.” – John Green

52. “I’m that person everyone replaces after a while.”

53. “I didn’t lose a friend. I just realized I never had one.” 

54. “So many friendships ended just because I stopped texting them first.”           

55. “I used to know you the best and now I don’t even remember your name.”

56. “Just because I don’t talk to you, doesn’t mean I don’t miss you…”

57. “A true friend’s silence hurts more than an enemy’s rough words.”

58. “The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.”   

59. “Have a nice life. I’m done trying to be in it.”          

60. “Friendship is but a name; fidelity but an empty name.”

61. “We don’t lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are.”

62. “I once had a best friend who’s now a stranger.”   

63. “I miss those days when we all were friends.”       

64. “I miss you. The old you. The new one sucks.”

65. “Holding on to friendships that are over leads to a sad life.”

66. “It’s unfortunate when you know a friendship has to end.”

67. “Sad but true, friends can break your heart too.”

68. “I think I’ll miss you most of all.” – The Wizard Of Oz

69. “We’re not close anymore, but I’ll be here if you need me.”

70. “Sometimes we create our heartbreaks through expectation.”

Last Words

We hope that you liked these sad friendship quotes, share them on social media and with the ones who needs it.

Be happy in life and focus on the positive side, have your goals set and strive to complete them. While it is painful to lose a friend, we hope that these quotes about friendships have contributed a good idea to your day. For more related articles, refer to :

Gauri Singh Thakur
Gauri Singh Thakur

Hello Readers, I'm Gauri, graduated from Delhi University and have 3 years of experience as proficient content writer. I appreciate writing articles that help readers become better individuals.

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